
  • We represent a different approach to wealth creation and preservation.

  • Our unique LifeCycle Approach to advisory was created over years of research and development with business builders. We have created a model that matches the very unique life of an entrepreneur.

  • We understand why you work so hard. Our services focus on what matters to you.

  • A uniquely unbiased approach to Venture Services.

  • Through our rigorous process and intense diligence we put the street in competition to serve you.

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About Us

Our name reflects the dynamism of the clients we advise. We work with a network of accomplished clientele—people who make a mark on the world through their intellect.

“Intellect” is defined as the ability to come to the correct conclusion about what is true and to solve problems. We are privileged to work with people who marry their intellect and ingenuity, creating lasting value for themselves, their families, their companies, and their societies.

Intellectus combines “intellect” and “us.” But it’s not just our intellect. It’s the talent and substance, connectivity and passion of the people we advise. When you become a client of Intellectus, you not only gain an advisory team that is utterly focused on you and your needs. You also gain a broad and diversified circle of like-minded peers who share ideas, experiences and opportunities, generating connection and insight across an elite group of innovative leaders.

Intellectus Partners represents a different approach to wealth creation and preservation. We work with entrepreneurs and successful executives —people who expect and demand something beyond “business as usual.” We are much more than investment advisors or relationship managers. We are integrally involved in the financial, professional, and familial lifecycle of the clients we serve. Entrepreneurs ourselves, we embrace our ability to innovate, create value, quantify risks, and help clients capitalize on the fat pitch of opportunity.

Born in Silicon Valley but now headquartered in San Francisco, Intellectus Partners is an on-the-ground resource for the clients we serve, with deep roots and widespread connections in this vibrant and intense community. We are not all things to all people. We bring a deep domain expertise that results in a different caliber of experience for our clients.

We believe that the traditional wealth management model is broken. Most clients are underserved because of the Big Banks’ embedded conflicts of interest. Entrepreneurs and executives are particularly ill served. Traditional wealth managers view clients in terms of their investment assets alone. For entrepreneurs and executives, their wealth is typically not only in their investment portfolios, but also in the businesses they have built or are running. Intellectus changes the paradigm. We help our clients address key issues of creating and preserving self-made wealth, spanning a lifecycle of needs, from formation all the way through impact investing:
  • How to navigate the evolution of a business, from incipient idea through sale or transfer.
  • How to optimize a business structure relative to investment, tax, and wealth transfer objectives.
  • How to source, evaluate, implement and manage diverse investment managers, strategies and opportunities.
  • How to strategize for equity ownership, relative to planning, hedging, liquidity, and sale.
  • How to assemble the best experts to achieve professional, personal, and philanthropic goals.
  • How to turn your success and wealth into a positive catalyst for the world around you.

Intellectus Partners offers a new paradigm of wealth creation and preservation. Within this new beginning stands a solid foundation. David La Placa and Jay Casey, our founders, have worked together since 2000. They offer a seasoned maturity infused with a collaborative ethos and innovative mindset that drives their lifecycle advisory approach. David and Jay are joined by our Vice President of Client Financial Planning, Kelly Morton, and our Vice President of Operations & Administration, Tina Chan, and who have been with the team since 2000 and 2010 respectively. Our continuity, longevity, and harmony as a team confer benefits to our clients; they know that we have the processes and systems in place to ensure robust coverage for their needs. Our internal operations are sound, and our new partnership with Dynasty Financial Partners significantly enhances that scale and stability, freeing us to devote our energy to the more important concerns of our clients.

Our People

“Entrepreneurs know that people drive the difference. The foundation of any successful enterprise is talent. We’re as selective in our team as our clients are in partnering with us.”

David J. La Placa, Founder, Chairman, and CEO

David J La Placa

David J La Placa

Founder, Chairman, CEO


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Jay Casey

Jay Casey

Co-Founder, President


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Tina Chan

Tina Chan

Vice President of Operations & Administration, Associate Partner

Tina Chan is Vice President of Operations & Administration and an Associate Partner with Intellectus Partners. She oversees all client service and operational functions for the team. Organized, diligent, and responsive, Tina is a central hub for client needs and inquiries. Her responsibilities include oversight of all administrative functions and operations. Prior to joining Intellectus, Tina worked for five years with David LaPlaca and Jay Casey at Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management as lead sales assistant primarily focused on our Venture & Administrative Services initiatives. Previously, she was a Sales Associate at Thomas Weisel in its Venture Capital Group. Her experience also includes a tenure with Matrix Asset Management Group as a Branch Marketing Associate. Tina earned her B.S. in Finance and International Business Marketing from San Francisco State University.

Kelly Morton

Kelly Morton

Vice President of Client Planning, Associate Partner


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Jeff Saccacio

Jeff Saccacio

Head of Wealth Planning and Family Office Services


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Timothy Ng

Timothy Ng

Head of Intellectus Private Markets, Group Head Entrepreneurial & Corporate Advisory


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Your Lifecycle

We launched Intellectus Partners to address the needs of entrepreneurs and executives. We believe that “wealth management” is too constrictive a term for what we offer. Our slate of services is broad, yet strategic. We are not all things to all people, but we do have an acute understanding of the pivotal issues that entrepreneurs encounter in their personal lifecycle. We recognize that the lines dividing personal and professional wealth are often blurred; we help our clients manage risk in their businesses and in their portfolios. We seek opportunities in the capital markets and in ventures throughout Silicon Valley and beyond.




Your Family


Global Investors
  • Investment management
  • Investment strategy
  • Hedge fund diligence/resourcing
  • Financial planning & reporting
  • Open-sourced and risk-adjusted venture
  • Venture administrative services


Venture Investors

Entrepreneur Network & Deal Flow

  • Access to Serial Entrepreneurs
  • Launch Visibility
  • Founder Liquidity Program
  • Advisory Access
  • BOD & Management placement

Administrative Services

  • Distributions
  • M&A Escrow Services
  • Research & Trading
  • Hedging & Risk Management

Portfolio Services

  • Management Advisory
  • Corporate Services
  • Pre IPO & M/A Advisory
  • Founder Services



Our emphasis on our clients’ Lifecycle is very much aligned with each client’s passion. Sometimes that passion is building a business, often it is his or her family, but increasingly our clients also want to learn how give. For this reason, we focus on what clients will do in the future as opposed to what they have done in the past. We offer the following philanthropic services:

  • Investing for an impact
  • Managing the giving process
  • Optimizing the flow of capital to causes
  • Selecting proper charities and causes
  • Building a legacy

Our Process

We ground our approach in goals-oriented advisory. Client goals shape everything we do—from long-term strategy to day-to-day tactics. But goals are just our starting point or springboard. Attaining those goals is our focus, and that’s where our knowledge and experience take flight.

When people speak with us, they quickly perceive that we offer something different. Many advisors pay lip service to customization. For us, it is the lifeblood of what we do. We thrive on the nuances of each client, each family, and each business. We welcome the intricacies and special circumstances that underlie each relationship.

Our process begins with extended conversations. We delve deeply into a client’s background, makeup, needs, and desires, so that we can develop a cohesive plan to reach their goals. The more we know, the more effective we are.

Our Relationships

“Entrepreneurs recognize that you can’t be the best at everything; it’s far easier to be the best at one thing. We channel that mindset in selecting our partners, each of whom is outstanding in a particular area. Together, we unleash the force of targeted expertise to advance the needs of our clients.”

Jay Casey, Co-Founder and President

Harnessing the Power of Precision

The clients we serve have distinctive and refined needs. They don’t want “good enough.” They want the best available. Our position as independent advisors allows us to seek out the resources that best fulfill the niche needs of our clients. We don’t tether clients to average resources from a broad-based provider. Rather, we winnow out the all-stars within each field, identifying the providers with clear advantages and unifying the whole through precise collaboration.

Some of our Key Relationships include:


Dynasty Financial Partners
Dynasty Financial Partners is the premier integrated platform provider for the wealth management industry’s top independent advisors. We selected Dynasty because they are established leaders and innovators, assembling the operational resources, technological solutions, and broad selection of products and services needed to deliver a seamless experience to our clients. As a network of independent investment firms, Dynasty enables us to leverage our collective size to secure advantageous pricing and execution. Moreover, Dynasty allows us to preserve our autonomy, flexibility, and entrepreneurial vision.


Fidelity Institutional® provides a comprehensive clearing and custody platform, brokerage services, trading capabilities, and practice management and consulting to registered investment advisers (RIAs), including strategic acquirers and professional asset managers, as well as retirement recordkeepers, broker-dealer firms, banks, and insurance companies through National Financial Services LLC (NFS) or Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Members NYSE, SIPC. In addition to providing services to third-party institutions, the NFS brokerage platform supports all the clearing and custody businesses at Fidelity, including Fidelity’s retail and capital markets businesses, bringing NFS assets under administration to more than $4.5 trillion.


Addepar empowers investors and advisors to navigate the increasingly complex world of investment management. Addepar features data aggregation and reconciliation, portfolio analysis, a client-centric reporting experience, and integrations and API. Hundreds of single and multi-family offices, wealth advisors, large financial institutions, endowments, and foundations manage $750 billion of assets on the Addepar platform.


External articles about us and our founders



Our firm, Intellectus Partners, LLC, is registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Brokerage and investment advisory services and fees differ and it is important for you to understand these differences. Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at, which also provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investing.

Relationships and Services

What investment services and advice can you provide me?
Services: We offer investment advisory services to retail investors. These services include wealth management which is a combination of financial planning and investment management. We may also offer investment consulting as a stand-alone service. We work closely with you to identify your investment goals and objectives, as well as risk tolerance and financial situation in order to develop an investment approach.
Accounts, Investments, and Monitoring: We provide services to individual, joint, retirement, trust and estate accounts. We primarily use mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, stocks, bonds, independent managers, and alternative investments in constructing portfolios. We do not make available or offer advice with respect to only proprietary products or a limited menu of products or types of investments. As part of our services, we monitor portfolios and securities in accounts on a regular and continuous basis. We also meet with you at least annually, or more frequently, depending on your needs. 
Investment Authority:  We provide our services on a perpetual and discretionary basis. We execute investment recommendations in accordance with your investment objectives without your prior approval of each specific transaction. Our engagement will continue until you notify us otherwise in writing. We also offer our services on a non-discretionary basis, which means we are required to obtain your consent prior to executing any trades in your accounts. Therefore, in non-discretionary accounts you will make the ultimate decision regarding the purchase or sale of investments. However, we may not be able to aggregate orders in non-discretionary accounts with other client orders, which means that non-discretionary accounts may not receive the same price as other clients.
Account Minimums & Other Requirements: We generally require a minimum relationship size of $5,000,000 in order to effectively implement our investment process. This amount may be waived or reduced at our sole discretion.
Additional Information: For more detailed information on our relationships and services, please see Item 4 – Advisory Services, Item 13 – Review of Accounts and Item 7 – Types of Clients of our Form ADV Part 2Aavailable via our firm’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure Page.
Conversation Starters: Given my financial situation, should I choose an investment advisory service? Why or why not? How will you choose investments to recommend to me? What is your relevant experience, including your licenses, education and other qualifications? What do these qualifications mean?

Fees, Costs, Conflicts, and Standard of Conduct

What fees will I pay?
Asset-Based Fees: Our asset-based fees for wealth management range from 0.50% to 2.00% annually. This fee is collected on a quarterly basis and calculated as a percentage of the value of the cash and investments in your account[s] that we manage. This presents a conflict of interest as we are financially incentivized to encourage you to place more assets in your advisory account as you will pay more in advisory fees.
Fixed Fees: Our fixed project-based fees for investment consulting services fees range between $5,000 to $100,000. We collect fees in two separate installments. Fixed fees are negotiable based on the nature and complexity of the services to be provided and the overall relationship with us. We provide you with an estimate of the total cost prior to engaging us for these services. 
Performance-Based Fees: For certain engagements, we also charge a performance-based fee on the assets that we manage which are fees based on any gains within your accounts. Our performance-based fee is up to 25% of any gains (both realized and unrealized) in a client’s account[s] for the year. This presents a conflict of interest,  as we are financially incentivized to make investments that are riskier or more speculative than might otherwise be the case in the absence of such an arrangement.
Other Fees & Costs: In addition to our advisory fee, you will also be responsible for third-party manager and/or platform fees, custody fees, account administrative fees, fees and expenses related to mutual funds and exchange-traded funds and applicable securities transaction fees.
Additional Information: You will pay fees and costs whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money you make on your investments over time. Please make sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying. For more detailed information on our fees, please see Item 5 – Fees and Compensation of our Form ADV Part 2Aavailable via our firm’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure Page.
Conversation Starters: Help me understand how these fees and costs might affect my investments. If I give you $5,000,000 to invest, how much will go to fees and costs, and how much will be invested for me?
What are your legal obligations to me when acting as my investment adviser?  How else does your firm make money and what conflicts of interest do you have?
When we act as your investment adviser, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interests ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the investment advice we provide you. Here is an example to help you understand what this means.
We have an incentive to advise you to invest in certain investments, such as Series Funds of Intellectus Ventures, LLC (the “Company”), which invests into private opportunities, where the firm serves as the Managing Member of the Company and benefits from the asset-based and profit-based fees it earns on those investments.
Additional Information: For more detailed information, please see Item 10 – Financial Industry Activities and Affiliations, Item 12 – Brokerage Practices and Item 14 – Client Referrals and Other Compensation of our Form ADV Part 2Aavailable via our firm’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure Page.
Conversation Starters: How might your conflicts of interest affect me, and how will you address them?
How do your financial professionals make money?
Our financial professionals are compensated based on an agreed-upon annual salary. Additionally, certain financial professionals receive additional cash compensation based on the revenue generated from the accounts managed, as well as our general profitability. This means that these financial professionals have an incentive to increase the asset size in the relationship or solicit new business, taking time away from the day-to-day servicing of existing clients.

Disciplinary History

Do you or your financial professionals have legal or disciplinary history?
Yes. You can visit for a free and simple search tool to research our firm and our financial professionals. 
Conversation Starters:As a financial professional, do you have any disciplinary history? For what type of conduct?

Additional Information

You can find additional information about our investment advisory services by viewing our Form ADV Part 2Aavailable via our firm’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure Page or by visiting You can request up to date information and a copy of our client relationship summary by contacting us at (415) 795-7830.

Conversation Starters:Who is my primary contact person? Is he or she a representative of an investment advisor or a broker-dealer? Who can I talk to if I have concerns about how this person is treating me?

Timothy Ng named Head of Private Markets, Group Head of Entrepreneurial & Corporate Advisory

"We are incredibly excited to have Tim join Intellectus in this important Leadership role." says David J La Placa, Founder & CEO.

Tims more than 25 years of leadership roles at the likes of Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Alex Brown & Presidio Partners Venture Group brings immense experience and expertise to our client service toolkit. His unique abilities will further extend our industry lead in serving innovative client needs.

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    • 1050 Battery Street, Suite 100
    • San Francisco, CA 94111

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